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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

LAB - ER model

This lab concentrated on our ER model. We had to put up our ER model and then explain how we did it. Jason, the team leader has explained to the professors what we did. The professors cam up with some questions to which we have answered in a pretty convincing manner. The professors told us that we have to make some changes for our ER model. Then is was the turn of Vashisth and Zing, they had to explain their ER model. The ER model from Jason and Jay didn't come because we don't know what are the requirements for LSC.(Lafayette School Corporation). Later we had to do many amendments for our ER model. Myself and John had to include a lot of attributes and had to change the entities and their respective relationship with the other entities. We used  One note to make the changes for the ER model.
We were given the name of the reference book for the development of ER model and also for the tables that we had to do after the model. 

Monday, February 15, 2010

Team Meeting

This team meeting lasted for about two hours. It was a quite interesting meeting. We ended up bringing the ER model at the end of this meeting. Me and John were working on the concept of how to begin with the ER model. We have sorted some vital entities and we had Google to help us. We used Microsoft One note for the development of our ER model. To find more information about One note refer click  One note . We had to list the Entities and the various attributes for each Entity. It was a pretty hard task to do but we finally managed to do. We had to look through the various examples of ER model and then make our ER model. We had to choose the colors for the entities and the attributes. the hardest part was to relate the Entities in a correct way.  As usual we have posted everything that we do on twitter. You can find the link for our twitter page here WISE. We have finally managed to complete the ER model by the end of the meeting.


I had the lab on Thursday in Arms building. I was very comfortable this time than the first week. We had some professors who came to the lab and discussed with us a lot of stuff. We were introduced to a different concept of ER(Entity-Relationship) model on that day. We as a team told the professor what we planned to do for the various corporations. The professor told us about how we should be going for the future. We had to have an ER model and then we should have the tables and then code for the project.
The ER model is a complicated flow chart to put in simple words. It is a pictorial representation of the relationship between various entities. We are doing the websites for three corporations. We are six people , divided into teas of three so that we can come up with the ER model by the next week. John and me picked up UPRC. We were given some five hundred level book for reference. So the lab ended pretty well.

Skill sessions

I have attended three skill sessions till date. One of them is about Patents, other was about Web-masters and the Database and Normalizations by William. I found the web-masters very interesting. 
1) Patent skill session:
The Patent skill session was about how to search for the patents and if you want to know which product has how many patents , you can see it(restricted to United States). There are a list of various objects in the website. For more information refer 

2) Web-masters skill session:
The webmaster skill session was very interesting. We had to work on Adobe dream weaver , but there were only eleven permissions for the Adobe , so the first eleven students could get the access of dream weaver on that day. I was a bit late in opening the application , so I was in queue. It was a skill session for the web masters but since I was interested in all the information related to web, I went for the session

3) Database and Normalization:
 This was a session that didn't require registration. It was taken by our TA- William. The session was all about the basic information about the database and Normalization. We went deep into Normalization. we discussed different types of Normalization and how discussed some real life examples. There were only four people in the session but it was quite informative and interesting. I learnt many new things that day.

So this is all about my skill session I have attended till date.

First Team Meeting

We have decided to meet every Tuesday at 3:30 pm in Armstrong building. I think this is a good idea because it avoids confusion of when the team meeting is. We have all gathered at 3:30pm. 

First Make up

Since I have a time conflict with my EPICS lecture, I have to do the makeup for all the first five lectures.
The first lecture was Intro to Design I. I had to listen the whole video for approximately forty eight minute and I had to list any three things what I  have learned from the session. I had to give enough explanation so that there is no will be no question that I have watched the video. I have to make them believe that I really watched the video and have written the make-up. I had to even mention what I have liked and disliked about the video. It was an interesting video indeed.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My first week at WISE

I was two weeks late to the WISE team. My first week at EPICS was the third week. As a result of this I had some problems initially. I was quite unaware of what exactly was happening in the class on that day. I understood that there were twenty members divided into 3 teams. I was given the freedom of choosing the team I liked. I chose the VM (Voluteer Management)  team. The team leaders were telling something about the Project Partners. It was all going on for about one hour. Then each tam was given some time to come up with the Code of Corporation and some rules. Our team came up with some interesting rules. We have written them on the board. Our team has taken the pictures of the plan and we have posted them on twitter. I contributed to the Code of Conduct of the team. I like all my team mates, they are all cool guys. We are a team of six, two freshman, one junior and one senior and of course me. I was given a WINDOWS laptop since I have a MAC. John helped me install all the required soft wares for the EPICS.  The day ended in a pretty good note. I had a good feeling that I would get something new to learn.